02 January, 2013

Happy New Year

Like Christmas, the end of the year and all the pomp and circumstance that goes with it is too much for me to tackle in a blog entry. I suppose I could trot out some really obvious things, concerning clichéd, and doomed New Year resolutions, or my history of disappointing New Year celebrations. Even by my own standards it is not really worth the waste of blogosphere space or electricity.

I will just share one thing that I was lucky enough to receive for Christmas, and that I am hoping will greatly help in my approach to 2013, if I let it. One of my most precious Christmas gifts, beautifully handmade and from someone who knows me very well, came inscribed with the following quotation.

“Life is not about sheltering from the storm. It's about learning to dance in the rain.”

The best I have done with Google's help is find various versions of this phrase, attributed to various authors. I won’t spoil it by trying to add anything further.

Love you sis.

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